Weekly Profit Accelerators Mastermind

Transform Your Business with Collaborative Growth and Strategic Support

The Weekly Profit Accelerators Mastermind is designed for business owners who are serious about growing their business while focusing on profitability. In this mastermind, you won’t just receive expert guidance—you’ll become part of a supportive, collaborative community that learns from one another’s insights and experiences.

What You Can Expect

Collaborative Learning Community

Join a group of like-minded entrepreneurs who share their journeys, challenges, and successes. Members frequently describe the group as a space filled with support, guidance, and camaraderie. As Julie says, “David and his group have created a learning community where we can build on each other and David’s experience in growing small businesses with joy and laughter.

Actionable Insights and Strategies

Our weekly sessions provide you with practical, implementable strategies that you can use to accelerate your business growth. Nicole highlights, “The strategic planning sessions have provided invaluable insights and actionable steps for growth. The collaborative nature of the program is just what I needed.”

Safe and Supportive Environment

This mastermind is more than just a meeting—it’s a safe place where you can speak openly about your challenges and achievements. Susan captures this well: “The group provides support, guidance, feedback, camaraderie, and a safe place to discuss issues.”

Expert Guidance and Real-World Experience

With decades of experience helping businesses grow, I provide the tools, strategies, and insights that you need to succeed. Keri states, “David is a wealth of knowledge on starting, growing, and scaling your business. His group coaching has been phenomenal.”

Mastermind Features

Weekly Live Profit Acceleration Virtual Sessions

Join live 75-minute sessions every week, all recorded for your convenience.

Bat Phone Access

Get direct access to David — call or text with your business questions anytime

Exclusive Facebook Community

Connect with other mastermind members in a private, supportive online group.

Monthly Business Book Club

Stay ahead of trends and strategies with our curated book selections and deep dive discussions.

Hot Seat Sessions

Bring your toughest challenges to the group for collaborative problem-solving.

Business Growth Sessions

Dive deep into strategies on marketing, sales, operations, finance, and more.

Quarterly and Annual Strategic Planning

Plan and review your business strategy with the group’s guidance.

Subject Matter Expert Workshops

Learn from specialists in various fields through exclusive workshops.

Special Event Pricing

Enjoy discounts of up to 50% on live virtual and in-person events.

Free Printed Books

Receive printed versions of my books (2 available, with a 3rd on the way).

No Contract, Flexible Membership

Join or leave anytime—no long-term commitments required.

Examples of Topics We’ve Covered

Personal Productivity

Learn how to invest your time wisely throughout the day with various time management hacks and tools. Bonus – we covered the one most important habit for accomplishing your most important goal for the year.

Understanding Financial Statements

This can be a daunting and uncomfortable subject for some. I intentionally simplified the most important concepts. Over the course of a few weeks we reviewed the most important statements: profit and loss, balance sheet and cash flow statement. Members learned how to create a P&L from scratch and how to read it to make effective business decisions.

Crafting Compelling Ad Copy

So many ads that are created by small business owners are done so with the best intent, however they are doing more harm than good. There are a few key components that every ad should have to be effective. By the end of this session, every member learned how to write a compelling ad.

Effective Follow-Up Systems

The money is in the follow up. End of story. However, we’ve found that over 72% of business owners fail to follow up with their prospects or clients thereby leaving  ton of money and profits on the table. We covered how to put a simple follow up process in place to have an immediate impact on profits.

Networking Strategies

A lot of time is spent networking. In this workshop we  reviewed how to make this time as effective as possible including some tactics that are rarely used.

Annual Strategic Planning

We reviewed some fundamental planning processes to ensure that members entered the new year with an actionable, measurable plan for hitting their goals.

Creating a Powerful Elevator Pitch

In this workshop everyone created their 10 and 30 second elevator pitches using a proven template that I provided.

Root Cause Analysis Tools

Mistakes and challenges surface regularly in any business. Having a process for determining the actual cause is key to ensuring the issue never happens again. We used one of the most effective tools to help solve a serious problem during the session.

Why Join the Weekly Profit Accelerators Mastermind?

Learning from others who are in the same place as you in their business journey can be incredibly insightful. As one member said, "I learn so much from hearing other people's experiences. Things I may not have thought of, but hearing from others in the same spot in their business as I am is so helpful—plus having your input at the same time is huge!"  

Join us and unlock the strategies, support, and community you need to accelerate your business growth and profitability. We can’t wait to see you succeed!

What My Clients Say

I've had the pleasure of working with some incredible clients over the years.

Here's what they have to say about working with me.

My experience with David's Profit Accelerators group coaching program has been immensely valuable. The strategic planning sessions over the past few weeks have provided invaluable insights and actionable steps for growth. I'm eager to carry this momentum into 2024, leveraging the group's ideas as I grow. The collaborative nature of the program along with the implementable strategies I get in each meeting is just what I needed.


Nicole Porter

Monomoy Social Media

Coming into 2023 I felt confident in my business but knew that I didn’t know what I didn’t know. After a year of working with David Visco, I am now entering 2024 not only with additional knowledge about how to run and grow a business, but with an actual PLAN! Seems like such a simple thing, but knowing your growth plan, the steps that need to be taken and how you can measure it is invaluable.


Julie Migliacci

Revent Consulting

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